22 października w niedzielę w godzinach 10:00 – 18:00 na hali GOSIR w Wiśniowej Górze odbędzie się turniej OPEN INTERNATIONAL KYOKUSHIN CUP 2017. Walki odbędą w formułach grappling, kumite, K-1 i MMA. Turniej ma charakter otwarty i mogą w nim startować przedstawiciele innych stylów i systemów walki. Startować w nim będą dzieci w przedziale 5- 9 lat (formuła grappling i kumite), 10- 12 lat i młodzież 13-17 lat. Przewidziane są również pojedynki seniorów i weteranów.
22 october 2017 – Open International Kyokushin Cup in Hall GOSIR in Wisniowa Gora ul.Tuszyńska 113 (Poland).
Application deadline to 10 October.
Application please send an email:
Weight categories:
to 25 kg
30 kg
40 kg
50 kg
60 kg
65 kg
70 kg
75 kg
80 kg
85 kg
90 kg
to 100 kg
over 100 kg – no limit
10:00 – 10:45 – verification and weighing athletes
10:45 – 11:00 – meeting of judges
11:00 – opening of the International Kyokushin Cup, presentation teams
11:10 – 13:00 – preliminaries, quarterfinals and finals fighting the children and young people
13:00 – 14:00 – TTO
14:00 – 18:00 – preliminaries, quarterfinals,semifinals and finals Kyokushin kumite, grappling, MMA, K-1 ruls.
– We pay for verification.
Adults – 50 PLN
Children – 35 PLN
Fighters from abroad – 10 euro
Formula fighting:
1.Grappling (children, youth and seniors +18)
2. MMA ECK rules (youth, seniors +18)
3.K-1 ruls OPEN – (seniors +18)
4. Kumite – (+18 seniors)
5.Kumite – (children 11-17)
Grappling – fight for grabs, overthrow, surrender
Children under 11 years
Round 1 x 1,5 minutes
Children and young people from 12 -17 years
Round 1 x 2 minutes
Round 1 x 3 minutes
MMA ECK – fighting in MMA, according to the rules ECK.Competitors fight in helmets, gloves and leg protectors.
Rules: boxing, kicks, punches from the head, overthrow, submission on the ground
Young people 12 -17 years
Round 1 x 2 minutes
Round 1 x 3 minutes
K-1 Ruls– OPEN category. Fighting in K-1 rules. Competitors fight in GI. Helmets, shin protectors and boxing gloves 10 oz.
Round 2 x 2 minutes
Kumite – fighting formula knock-down for women, children, excluding beats hands on his head (the rules of Kyokushin). All competitors fight in MMA gloves.
Round 2 x 2 minutes
Children 9 -11 years
Round 1 x 1 minutes
Young people 12 -17 years
Round 1 x 2 minutes
Kumite – fighting formula knock-down for women, children, excluding beats hands on his head (the rules of Kyokushin). All competitors fight in MMA gloves.
Round 2 x 2 minutes
Children 9 -11 years
Round 1 x 1 minutes
Young people 12 -17 years
Round 1 x 2 minutes